The best way to connect and expand

A new enterprise faces a large number of problems that need to be solved. Finding the solution to those problems requires insight, experience and ideas that the new entrepreneur typically lacks and has to struggle to find. This means that the value of contacts—people who can provide knowledge, advice, referrals, ideas, and know-how—is extremely high. We designed the Venture Generation incubation center to be second to none in providing its members with access to experienced and helpful advisors.

  • The Venture Generation advisor team includes successful entrepreneurs, investors, corporate executives, marketing professionals, accountants and lawyers. These people make themselves available to our members, free of charge, to help them solve problems as they arise.
  • Our advisors have an active presence inside the incubator so that members can have ready access to their know-how.
  • Venture Generation’s management actively promotes collaboration among members.  Early-stage companies face many similar challenges, and this means members have a great opportunity to learn from each other.
  • We actively help our members to improve their skills and knowledge in areas that affect their business success.  For example, we provide constructive feedback to entrepreneurs to improve the quality of their presentations and marketing efforts.